1. There are at least 10 different types of crumbs on the table.
2. The crumbs make sounds when I move my notebook.
3. The nail polish remains on my index finger has the form of China.
4. I can smell freshly cut lemon.
5. There are a series of tea cup stains on an old newspaper.
6. I just noticed that the kitchen is silent, the CD I was listening to ended, I don't know when...
7. The sound of our boiler reminds me of the sound of old wind up toys.
8. The tiles on the wall are not evenly put up, some are leaning in/out and have white paint marks.
9. The curtain ends are frizzled and seem to be shorter.
10. Our blackboard, where we pin up event tickets, useful information, quotations, pictures, photos has no more space on it, it's jammed with memories.
At first I wanted to wait for the perfect spot, a place where I would sit down and find many interesting things to write about, I imagined an overflow of sensations and a delicately assorted list of impressions. Then I realised the sense of the exercise is the opposite of what I'm planning and I need to rediscover a location I know well, so I wrote my list one evening in my kitchen while drinking a hot cup of tea.
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